
The pain of heart

My tears I m sorry ,
I can't stop you

My heart I m sorry ,
For hurting you.

The mirror was  crying at me,
I lost my love .

Your letters ,your text, your voice ,
When I deleted them my heart just shouted loud please No.

You bought brightness,
 in my darkest heart.

My heart is paining ,
And I can't even do anything

I loved you and ,
My heart is loving you more and more every day.

I know all hearts don't deserve love ,
But what about The pain of heart.

What u know
What u hide
My heart feels.

I loved you so much
So much.

It's very hard to find someone who really knows what's in your mind, in your heart but when you find that true one that day life will be changed and that day you will be so much happy that day you will see what the world is ,what the happiness is.
Hope that day your pain of the heart will be end.