
Productive things to do in self isolation

  1. SET YOUR GOALS:  During self isolation you have so much time to work on your goals and start making your vision board because it will help you to remember and  stay focus about your goals as we have so much so time these days instead of being in depression or thinking that what to do let's start working on goals or start writing goals if you have not. Written yet.

You can check out this amazing vedio.

2. PRACTICE YOUR HOBBY:  when you have so much time you can do the things you love.

3. COOKING: it's my one of favourite hobby and it is the best thing you can do while self isolation, and cook tasty foo even if you are new to cooking you can serve this time to learn some amazing recipes

4. CLEAN AND ORGANIZE: You can also clean and organize your home  because as more of timing we are staying at home so it is important to make that your surrounding is clean and organise , those things which you don't need just throw them out.

5. Reading:  I think the best thing during self isolation is to read there are millions of books you can read which are very amazing even you can read online I will recommend you a aap called "any book" this is an amazing app you must give it a try